Products for people.

People and talent start with acquisition and evolves into development, mobility and reskilling. At every one of these steps, Spotted Zebra has created a product to focus all decision making to skills.

Spotted Zebra Products.

Spotted Zebra creates applications that work across every phase of the talent lifecycle. Whether you are hiring, thinking about development or promoting internal mobility, Spotted Zebra has created an application that puts skills first.


Identify candidates with the right skills to deliver high performance in role.


Identify and develop individuals with the skills you need for future organisational success.


Identify individuals with the potential to develop new skills aligned with future critical roles.

Skills Profile

We create a unique Skills Profile for every role, which defines the behavioural and technical skills required for success and can be used across all of our applications.

Manager insight

We provide skills insights and recommendations for managers to help them make the best possible people decision.


Right person, right role.

By focusing on the relevant skills for the role, Spotted Zebra reduces bias and improves hiring outcomes.

The data shows that high performers on Spotted Zebra assessments reach competence 20% faster, and are 2x more likely to be rated as top performers in their role.
faster reaching competence
top performers


Right person, right future.

Succession is not just a popular TV show - it’s a board level challenge. Today, CEOs tell us that that smooth succession into critical roles is a key organisational priority.

Spotted Zebra’s unique skills-based approach enables an understanding of the strength of each talent pipeline and identifies future succession risks.


Right person, right place.

It is perfectly reasonable for an organisation to outgrow a role, but it is counter productive when the loss of a role also becomes the loss of a person. The key practice here is ‘reskilling’ and Spotted Zebra’s skills-based approach enables the transition of individuals into future roles. This ensures that the organisation, and its people, continually adapt as jobs and skill requirements change.